What happens in our classes?
Children learn a language best when they have extended opportunities to listen to the language. We encourage parents to register for at least 2 hours each week, so your child’s learning is accelerated.
The 2-hour class is fast-paced, interactive, and highly engaging to even the youngest child.
10 minutes: Review of sentences/questions – ‘All About You’ theme
- This is a conversation using questions and answers to develop a strong understanding of questions we ask every day. Picture Talks are also used to review language.
20 minutes: SPEAKING: New vocabulary and practice
- This section is usually a role-play to introduce new vocabulary. It’s a fun time when children can participate in using Mandarin to shop, eat, play, watch, move, question, and communicate with me. The textbook ‘Chinese For Kids’ is used with children age 4+.
30 minutes: READING: Recognition of Chinese characters / Reading
- In each session, 8-15 simplified Chinese characters are introduced in an imaginative way that engages even the youngest child.
20 minutes: LISTENING: Song/Actions/Comprehension activities
- Usually two songs are introduced or reviewed to reinforce pronunciation and listening skills.
30 minutes: Writing simple characters and sentences (mini-whiteboards or writing grids)
- Children are guided to write with the correct stroke order and encouraged to write their own stories and sentences that interest them. Pre-writing activities are used with children below 4.
10 minutes: What did you learn? Review and Reflection
To wrap up the class, children talk about what was learned and complete a Reflection sheet to add to their Portfolio.
Parents are encouraged to review their child’s Portfolio to see their progress each week.

Our Children’s Textbook

Weekly Reflection Sheets